
Monday, April 25, 2011

2 weeks old!

I can't believe Jack is already 2 weeks old!  We had a nice, long weekend and were happy to have some warm weather.  Friday, after Matt finally got the car seat installed, we took our first outing to New Holland Brewery with my sisters and the Jansma's.  Their son Cooper is 8 months old and seemed so big next to Jack!  Despite the horrible service, it was nice to catch up with them and reflect on how our lives have changed.  Jack slept the whole time in my Moby Wrap.  We also did a little shopping at Tip Toes, where we got a cloth diaper sprayer (read about that HERE) and a baby book.

Saturday was the first day I was able to do quite a bit more walking, so we took advantage of the nice day. We walked the dogs in the woods, took a walk downtown and then went out for mexican food - all while wearing Jack.  I'm really loving our Moby Wrap and Ergo carrier!  It's so nice to have Jack close to me (or Matt, or my mom, or my sister Carrie who have all worn him) and be able to have my hands free.  It is a little more work to take him out of the car seat and get him situated, but it's worth it!  

Sunday morning our midwife Sara came for Jack's 2 week check up.  Jack now weighs 8 lbs 5 oz and is doing great.  Sara also brought us a hat she knitted - it's so cute and such a special gift!  The rest of the day was spent doing our usual family stuff - being outside, eating, and playing, our Easter hunt in the woods! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Birth Story - A squeamish dad's account of the day

My head is still spinning from Saturday.  Megan was amazing.  She and Matt calmly knocked on our door at about 7am and Meg says just wanted you to know that my water broke and we're going to have a baby.  No panic, no uncertainty, no whining.  It was so funny that in the morning Amanda and Joe came to work (just home from Florida) and I asked her if she had gotten my email?  (I sent such a sneaky email about how I had done my job and got the warm water hose to the basement).  When she saw my email she kicks in to overdrive.  She thought I was pulling one of my stunts but when I convinced her that it was for real, she got wound up.  Megan and Jack were so thoughtful to choose a Saturday so all of us could be there for them.  When I got home from work, I was told to keep the dogs under control and NOT stomping on the floor.  They knew something was up and they were very calm and subdued. 

As the afternoon moved on (I'm now at 3 Oberons), I was in the sun room watching tv with the volume adjusted upward with now more, let me say, PRONOUNCED, noises coming from below.  When I only had 4 more "steps" of volume adjustment on the tv, I knew that the time was getting near.  It wasn't long (Meg may not agree about the wasn't long part) that Amanda came up and said that "Jack is here!" Not only had Jack arrived, but the whole family was able to see an exhausted Momma Meg, Matt and Jack.

We're now ready for the new experience of a boy in the family!  This little guy is so laid back and easy going.  Meg is under orders to take it slow and easy for a few days, something I'm sure that she is not accustomed to in any way.  Won't be long and we'll have Jack on an atv, Jet Ski, Teryx and tractor.  I just might have to put in more trails with jumps and stuff... 

Great job everyone.  Mom has a permanent smile on her face. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Birth Story


Friday, April 8th was like any other - I had a great nights sleep, went to the gym to run 3 miles and do some light weightlifting, watched some trashy tv, we ordered pizza, went to Sherman's to get some ice cream and ended the night on the couch with my hubby discussing our lovely childless weekend ahead.  We were going to meet some friends for lunch, do a little baby shopping, get the treadmill out of storage and maybe fit in a run.  Oh the thought....

Saturday, April 9th I woke up at 7:00am to a gush of water between my legs and got up to go to the bathroom to find even more liquid making its way out.  It was obvious - my water broke!  At that time, I turned to Matt to wake him up and said "We've got a problem!" (which of course wasn't really a problem) and began to get nervous about what the day would bring.  Matt calmed me down a bit and we headed upstairs to call Sara, our midwife.  Sara calmly told us to relax, that contractions would begin anywhere from 2 hours to 24 hours from now.  Relax!  Riiiight.  We also woke my parents and told them the news and to turn up the water heater and get the hose ready to fill the birthing pool that Sara and team would bring.

After that, Matt and I went back downstairs and laid in bed.  It was so nice to just chat and relax and do a little reading - but wow, was I feeling super nervous!  Around 9:00am we got up and decided to take the dogs on a walk in the woods.  During this time, 9:30am-ish, contractions began.  We had no idea what to expect - but they were about 15 seconds long and 5 minutes apart and about a 2 on the pain scale.  I had my usual breakfast of oatmeal, peanut butter and grapefruit juice which would end up being my last meal before becoming a mom!

My sis Amanda came over after hearing the news and of course had an iPhone app ready to go to time my contractions.  We checked in with Sara again because the contractions were close together (again, no idea what to expect) and she said they needed to last longer and be a little closer together to be making something happen.  So we put a Teen Mom 2 rerun and Amanda and Matt began "contraction watch and record".  Over the next hour they got a little longer, maybe 45 seconds, still 5 minutes apart and making there was up the pain scale to a 3 and 4.  Soon after, Kristin (midwife apprentice) arrived and filled us in.  Turns out, Sara and Jen (doula/assistant) were at another birth and.....the other woman and I were at about the same place in our labor.  And the birthing pool was set up at the other woman's house.  Uh oh!  Kristin had it under control, and her and Amanda headed to Wal Mart in search of a pool for me.  Matt and I headed downstairs to relax on the couch.  During this time "contraction watch and record" was aborted because I wanted to throw the phone out the window.  Pain scale:  creeping up to a 5. 

Around 2:30pm Amanda and Kristin returned with a pool (which they had to get from some back storage room using a fork lift, after they told the employees what it was for of course!) and Amanda began filling it up.  Kristin thought it'd be best and help with my pain if we got in the tub so we headed up to my parent's bathroom and the only tub in the house.  Ahhhhhhhh.....that felt oh so good, still a 5 on the pain scale and managing a smile!

Now is when I lose track of time.  I stayed up in the tub for an hour or so until the other pool was filled in the basement and Sara and Jen arrived.  They helped me move downstairs and I climbed in the pool, which was still being completely filled.  Apparently, it takes a lot of hot water and we didn't have enough, so Amanda and my mom had to boil pots and pots and pots and pots to keep the water warm.  I was oblivious!  At this point, the pain had gone up to a 7 and I went into a quiet trance like state.  I moaned and yelled through the contractions and was silent in between - I think my eyes were also closed the whole time.

After awhile in the pool Sara suggested I go to the toilet to be more upright so we did that.  It felt good to be in that position.  At this point I felt like I had been working really hard and I wanted to hear that Jack was almost here, and Sara thought that he was.  Unfortunately, what we did not know was that his head was at an angle and it would be awhile.  After the toilet I went back to the pool, but nothing about being in there felt good.  I wanted to rest between contractions and just couldn't get comfortable.

Next Sara suggested the bed - where I thought I would never, ever end up!  Matt sat behind me while I laid down and began having really tough contractions.  I can only describe the need to push like dry heaving - you just can't hold back.  I also thought I wouldn't be one of those women who moan and groan throughout labor - but yep, I did and it was instinctual!  Sara kept me encouraged by telling me that the baby's head was just molding to fit and that's what was taking so long.  After some tough pushes, she suggested Matt and I just lay down and try to relax for a bit and then she and her team left us.  Left us!!  I know they were giving us some alone time, but nope, I couldn't just "relax"!  I felt like my urge to push was too strong to lay down and not try to make progress, so when Kristin came in to check on me I told her I needed to keep going.

The only perception of time I had at this point was that it was getting dark, which meant I was going at this for a long time.  Sara had me in a squatting position on the floor, Jen was massaging my back, we tried leaning over the bed but nothing was comfortable (why did I think I needed to be comfortable?!?!?!).  I returned to the bed, buckled down, and was ready to get that baby out of me!  Who knows how long it took, but I began to feel the head coming out and could tell by Matt's face and words of encouragement that I was finally REALLY making progress!  His head made it out, I heard him cry, and then yelled at Sara to pull him out.  A big no no in the natural birth process, but I just couldn't take it anymore!  Luckily, Sara obliged and Jack Matthew was born at 8:20pm!

As you can see from the picture above - I was in shock!  And I was in shock for quite some time.  His head and some of his body were covered in vernex (the white stuff), but rather than clean him off hospital style we were told that it would absorb into his skin and is a great conditioner - it did and it was!  This was the nicest part about being at home - Jack was never taken away from Matt or me at any time.  No poking, no prodding, no needles, no bathing, no diaper, no hat, no clothes, nothing....just a lot of loving on our little guy. It was such an exciting time with my 2 sisters, parents, and even brother-in-law joining us to welcome Jack.

Next up - delivering the placenta.  Gross, I know.  I didn't know what to expect but I thought I could give some baby pushes and out it'd go.  Nope.  Sara and Kristin kept checking on me in between cleaning up and starting some laundry but that thing didn't want to come out.  Almost two hours and one big push later, it was out!  Soon after, Sara, Jen and Kristin said their good byes and I was eating pizza and vegan chocolate chip cookies in bed with Matt and Jack by my side!  It doesn't get any better than that!!

A big thanks goes out to Amanda, who was a silent helper from the very first contractions!  She timed my contractions, supplied my favorite lemon lime Gatorade, went all over town to get me a pool, boiled water with my mom, took pictures and just observed as quiet as can be. 

Another big thanks goes to the other woman who gave up our shared midwife and doula so they could come support me.  I read her birth story and she would agree - I needed them more than she did!  Who would've thought we'd go into labor on the same day and have our babies only minutes apart!

What an experience.  Would I do it all again?  You bet!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jack Matthew Zernicke!

Baby Jack was born on Saturday, April 9th at 8:20pm - all 7 lbs 15 oz and 22.5 inches of him!  I'm so thankful that we chose to have a home birth, where Jack was able to enter the world surrounded by family.  The strength, patience, trust and endurance required that day was more than I ever imagined - but I wouldn't trade it for anything (although at the time, I may have traded it for an epidural!).  Luckily, I had the best midwife and assistants and along with my amazing husband and quiet 4th assistant of a little sister.....we did it!   I will be sharing the full birth story soon.....

 Jack Matthew Zernicke, Sunday morning about 12 hours old!

Our little family the morning after the birth - nothing better than being at home and waking up to breakfast!

Love our little peanut!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Almost there?

Just a quick update - I'm still feeling great!  Everyone asks, and I feel like I need to complain or something....but I've got nothing to complain about!  Okay, that's not entirely true.  The past week I've been getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, sometimes up to two times.  I don't appreciate my bladder or this baby waking me from my 10 hour slumber!  It's so funny though, once I get up to go I must wake Jack up because he's a busy bee for a little bit and making it hard for me to go right back to sleep. 

I had another great week of gym workouts.  Five days, 12 miles ran and 1.5 hours on the stair stepper!  Still proud as can be about that, despite having gained......are you ready for this?......a little over 40 lbs!  Yikes!  I've been working out hard and eating pretty well, but my sweet tooth gets the best of me.  It doesn't help that my mom keeps a massive stash of M&M's in the house, which I may or may not have replenished a few times myself.  :)

We've been talking about how we need more pictures of me as I near the end of my pregnancy, so I hope to add some for your viewing pleasure this weekend.