
Monday, April 25, 2011

2 weeks old!

I can't believe Jack is already 2 weeks old!  We had a nice, long weekend and were happy to have some warm weather.  Friday, after Matt finally got the car seat installed, we took our first outing to New Holland Brewery with my sisters and the Jansma's.  Their son Cooper is 8 months old and seemed so big next to Jack!  Despite the horrible service, it was nice to catch up with them and reflect on how our lives have changed.  Jack slept the whole time in my Moby Wrap.  We also did a little shopping at Tip Toes, where we got a cloth diaper sprayer (read about that HERE) and a baby book.

Saturday was the first day I was able to do quite a bit more walking, so we took advantage of the nice day. We walked the dogs in the woods, took a walk downtown and then went out for mexican food - all while wearing Jack.  I'm really loving our Moby Wrap and Ergo carrier!  It's so nice to have Jack close to me (or Matt, or my mom, or my sister Carrie who have all worn him) and be able to have my hands free.  It is a little more work to take him out of the car seat and get him situated, but it's worth it!  

Sunday morning our midwife Sara came for Jack's 2 week check up.  Jack now weighs 8 lbs 5 oz and is doing great.  Sara also brought us a hat she knitted - it's so cute and such a special gift!  The rest of the day was spent doing our usual family stuff - being outside, eating, and playing, our Easter hunt in the woods! 

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