
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Interesting article

In doing some research on feeding Jack dairy and meat products, I came across this really good article.  We've made a lot of "different" decisions in regards to parenting, but the one I'm most passionate about is the importance of breastfeeding and extended breastfeeding.  And YES, of course Jack is still nursing as he approaches his 1st birthday! 

I feel sad that there isn't more push from doctors and at hospitals to breastfeed.  I mean, my OB/GYN gave me a lovely bag of formula samples and coupons when I was pregnant - what message does that send? 

Here is the article - check it out!!  Like I always say, when you know better you DO better!

On another note, this is an exerpt that I found interesting from another article.  It's a dietician's experience working in the NICU.  See the whole article HERE.

"I conducted my own small study. During my first year working in the NICU, 94 percent of infants were discharged with a diet of commercial infant formula. One hundred percent of the new mothers of these infants were able to breastfeed or pump their breast milk. And 100 percent of these same mothers were provided with prescriptions to enter the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) government program. This program provides free formula for the infant for the first six months of life.

The geographic area of this NICU has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. Many young mothers confess their intention for having a baby was a larger government paycheck for the family unit, or the fact that they would receive free health insurance if they were pregnant. Often one would find a teen mother living with her parent or grandparent. The infant’s father was rarely present or involved, and was in fact usually unknown.

The average taxpayer cost for an infant in the NICU per day is approximately eighty-five hundred dollars. The average stay in our NICU was thirty-two days. The cost to taxpayers for infant formula provided by the WIC government program in 2009 was approximately eight hundred fifty million dollars.

When I asked these moms why they did not want to breastfeed the typical responses were:

“Breastfeeding is gross.” (This was the most common response.)
“My mom did not breastfeed and I want to do as she did.”
“It is easier to use the formula.”
“Why should I take my time? I have other things going on and I get the formula free.”
“The company says the formula is better for my baby.”
“I don’t get enough milk from the breast pump.”

When I asked nurses, other dietitians and physicians why they do not insist on breastfeeding the typical answer was: “It is not my job. That information should have been discussed at their gynecologist’s office before delivery.”
I feel the true reason many caregivers do not encourage breastfeeding is simply in order to feel better about their personal decisions regarding this topic. Many did not breastfeed their own children and seeing other women choose not to breastfeed helps them justify their own choice."

Friday, March 2, 2012

Boob Man

I know, I know....I love to talk about breastfeeding because it's been such a rewarding, magical (yes, magical!  my boobs are magic!) experience. 

However.  Sometimes I wish my son weren't such a boob man.  Sometimes momma needs a night out!  A night out where she doesn't have to worry about her wine tainted breastmilk being needed!  You see, last Friday night I had dinner and drinks planned with some of the women in my neighborhood.  I had 2 bottles of pumped milk ready to go for my loving husband who is fully capable of taking care of Jack on his own.  He already does our night time routine until we switch so I can nurse Jack.  Yes, most times I nurse him to sleep rather than putting him in down to "self soothe" (don't get all up in arms....there is a place and time for self soothing!).

Anywho.  A couple weeks ago my mom and dad were babysitting and my mom tried to give Jack a bottle before bed and he promptly threw it back at her.  Luckily, she was able to get him to sleep by rocking him.  I figured Matt would have more luck.  Jack sure does love his dadda!

Not so much. 

Apparently Jack will not be fooled by this artificial nipple coming from someone that is certainly not his momma.  Again, Jack threw the bottle on the floor and would have none of that.  Even when Matt pretended (pretended!  just try the stuff already!) to drink it himself.  This was at 8:00pm. 

Fast forward to 9:30pm when I got home.  Matt looks exhausted and exasperated laying in bed with a fussy Jack trying to get him to sleep.  I know he pulled out all the tricks.  He was just missing the best trick of all.....the boob! 

So I pick up my sweet little boy and take him into his room, nurse him for 3 minutes and he is OUT!  I come downstairs (literally 5 minutes after I got home) and Matt gives me this look of jealousy. 

Sorry honey, he's a boob man!