I know, I know....I love to talk about breastfeeding because it's been such a rewarding, magical (yes, magical! my boobs are magic!) experience.
However. Sometimes I wish my son weren't such a boob man. Sometimes momma needs a night out! A night out where she doesn't have to worry about her wine tainted breastmilk being needed! You see, last Friday night I had dinner and drinks planned with some of the women in my neighborhood. I had 2 bottles of pumped milk ready to go for my loving husband who is fully capable of taking care of Jack on his own. He already does our night time routine until we switch so I can nurse Jack. Yes, most times I nurse him to sleep rather than putting him in down to "self soothe" (don't get all up in arms....there is a place and time for self soothing!).
Anywho. A couple weeks ago my mom and dad were babysitting and my mom tried to give Jack a bottle before bed and he promptly threw it back at her. Luckily, she was able to get him to sleep by rocking him. I figured Matt would have more luck. Jack sure does love his dadda!
Not so much.
Apparently Jack will not be fooled by this artificial nipple coming from someone that is certainly not his momma. Again, Jack threw the bottle on the floor and would have none of that. Even when Matt pretended (pretended! just try the stuff already!) to drink it himself. This was at 8:00pm.
Fast forward to 9:30pm when I got home. Matt looks exhausted and exasperated laying in bed with a fussy Jack trying to get him to sleep. I know he pulled out all the tricks. He was just missing the best trick of all.....the boob!
So I pick up my sweet little boy and take him into his room, nurse him for 3 minutes and he is OUT! I come downstairs (literally 5 minutes after I got home) and Matt gives me this look of jealousy.
Sorry honey, he's a boob man!
I TOTALLY understand this!!!!! We stopped using bottles because they ended up being more of a hassle (we only used like one a week to give me a break and so that Aaron could have bonding time). Now she wants nothing to do with him during that time. She goes down for naps without nursing with no problem but I still nurse her at night before bed time. Here is something crazy--now that I haven't pumped in FOREVER, when I do have a night out and try pumping NOTHING comes out. :-( I wish I had that as a worse case scenario or back up when I do want to go out. Crazy, right??? I have heard other moms say that they weren't able to use a pump either. Guess my boobs can sense an imposter! ha High five for still breastfeeding!! I plan on doing it as long as I can!