My body must be hard at work! I'm feeling okay most of the time, but spending the rest of the time feeling tired, nauseous and bloated. Luckily, no throwing up yet though!
I've been trying to get back to a regular gym schedule. I worked out 4 times last week, but I'm anxious to get back up to 6. I still haven't felt comfortable enough to run.....sigh.....but have been doing 30-40 minutes of stair stepper followed by an hour of weight lifting. I got permission from the finance department (my amazing, yet frugal husband!) to get a better aka bigger sports bra so hopefully that will help. There's a half marathon that I'm hoping to do at the beginning of October, so I need the mileage!
In doing some reading on pregnancy, I'm finding a lot of discrepancy in the amount of food to eat. One thing I do know - I'm definitely not "eating for two". Don't a lot of Americans already eat for two? The consensus is that you don't need any extra calories during the first trimester if you're already eating a well balanced diet and are a healthy weight. That's me! Luckily, I haven't had any major cravings and have been consciously trying to eat extra healthy....with the occasional frozen yogurt or organic cookies! My motto is that if I can't pronounce all the ingredients, I shouldn't be eating it!
We're heading to Wisconsin in a couple weeks and my mother in law always has some delicious treats for us. Luckily, I can pronounce all the ingredients in her recipes....which means I can ignore the fat and calories, right?!?!
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