
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Say WHAT?!?!

Matt and I got married in December 2009, and knew we'd want to start thinking about children soon after.  Let's face it, I wasn't getting any younger - and approaching the big 3-0!  We had an amazing honeymoon trip planned in June, and thought this would be the perfect time to start "trying".  What does that even mean anyway?  Well June came and went, and a trip to the OB/GYN confirmed that my late period must be due to the time changes and traveling.  Bummer.  Here comes July, when I decided to take control and step up the "trying".  I peed on ovulation sticks to find that right time, only for that right time to come when Matt was in Kodiak, Alaska!  Luckily, he was able to get on an early flight home and the rest is history......!!!!!

In the beginning of August I experienced a few days of what I thought was my period, but when it wasn't like a normal cycle I took a pregnancy test and saw a faint POSITIVE!  I called my doctor's office, concerned that I was going through an early chemical pregnancy, and was told if the spotting doesn't continue and I still get a positive test to come in on Monday August 9th.  Monday morning came, I got another big fat positive, and headed to the doctor's office with my wonderful husband. 

The doctor was concerned about the early bleeding and on top of wanting me to stop running, he ordered a blood test of my hcg (the pregnancy hormone) that day.  On the following day, I learned my levels were at 391 - a great start!  Unfortunately, I had to return on Wednesday to test the levels again to ensure they were doubling every 48 hours.  I got the blood test and headed to Michigan to see the fam - hoping we'd have good news to share!  On Friday, after lots of nervous waiting, I got the call to learn my levels were at 808!!  That night, we shared the good news with my parents, aunt and 2 sisters....and the reaction was priceless.  Absolutely priceless.

My doctor still wanted to check on my hcg levels, so after my return from Michigan I went back for a blood test on Monday the 16th.  The results were in today.......hcg level was 7,524!  We are officially having a baby due in the middle of April!!  

It's early and I'm in shock about what's going on inside my body.  I'm comforted by the fact that Matt and I are believers in science, and if something were to happen to the embryo it's because it wasn't developing properly.  We can only trust in my body, nature, and my health.  The human body is an amazing thing!

1 comment:

  1. You said feel free to add my two cents...

    I am so happy for you guys! Can't wait for you to experience all of the joys and challenges that come with a precious new life.

    I'm not quite sure how you "believe" in science though. Even with a biology background, scientists can't explain everything! :)

    Love to all!
    Missy Jo
