
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feeling inadequate?

If you've checked out my Facebook page lately, you may have found some parenting/facebook drama going on. 

Here's the scoop: 

One of my "friends" posted a status that, in part, stated "My kids call me Mom. Not "natural, organic, granola, cloth diapering, breast feeding, non-immunizing, baby wearing, co-sleeping, home birthing Mom." They just say Mom.". Now if you know me, you know that I did not take to reading that kindly, being that I felt like this was directed towards me and/or one of my good friends.  I do not take any major parenting decision lightly and didn't appreciate what I interpreted as mocking and being disrespectful of my choices.  

After lots of comments by moms who supported her status (of course all disposable diapering, formula feeding, immunizing, take my baby in a car seat everywhere, sleeping in a crib and hospital birthing ones) she ended with a comment stating that "Several of my friends have stated they feel inadequate when they are bombarded by all these decisions and choices regarding their children."

Seriously?!?!?!  I'm sorry that you can't just put blinders on and follow the path of standard parenting and have been exposed to a different way of doing things via a sharing of articles/opinions on Facebook.  If MY decisions regarding MY child and MY family make you feel inadequate, then maybe you should reevaluate why you make your decisions. Because I'll never let anyone make me feel inadequate....especially when it comes to caring for my family.  

I hate that the posts turned into an US ("natural" moms) vs THEM ("less natural?" moms) because I don't ever look at it like that.  I have many friends that have made different choices than I have and I DON'T CARE!!  They are doing what is best for them and that deserves respect. 

Besides, in 10 years I'd rather my child look back fondly on the times spent sharing a book, singing songs, exploring the outdoors, doing art projects and bath time with his dad.  Those moments make a good parent....putting him in an adorable orange cloth diaper is just the icing on the cake!  

End Rant.  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sh*t New Moms Say

Profile pictures

Even before I was pregnant, I was always bothered by those people that have their child(ren) as their Facebook profile picture.  I mean, I get it, you love your children and you want to show them off....but Facebook is for adults and I want to see a profile picture of the actual person I'm friends with, not their offspring!  This rings especially true if you want to "Request" me as your "Friend"....I have 2 requests that I haven't responded to because all I see is a newborn and 2 kids with a dog.  Who are you even?!?

Plus, I feel like if you have your child as your profile picture you have completely lost all sense of self and individuality.  Show off what YOU look like, or at least hop into that picture with your child!

No offense to some of my favorite mamas of course - just another one of my opinions and I still love you!  That's all.  :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

$25 Cold

This past Sunday we did what every new parent must do at one point during the first year.  We brought Jack to Urgent Care to be diagnosed with.......

A cold.  A plain old fashioned cold.

The thing is, he woke up early Sunday morning with this horrible cough and if you've been flooded with that whooping cough/pertussis commercial as much as I have, you'd head straight to Urgent Care too!  Of course, once we got there he had slowly progressed into his happy, smiley self, which was even more embarrassing.  I mean, he smiled at the doctor and didn't even do his cough once while being examined!  Way to make us look like crazy parents, Jack!

Anyway, he's fine, and the rest of the day was spent on a blow up bed in the living room.  Not a bad way to spend a Sunday!

Which came first?

This past weekend, Matt and I left Jack for a night out for only the 4th time since he was born.  It's always a hard thing for me to do because of course I want a much needed night out with my husband, but the idea of leaving my little guy makes my heart hurt.  I miss him when we're not together.  

And those feelings got me thinking - how come I react this way?  How come I can't detach from my son, who is always left with his loving grandparents, for just a couple hours?  I read on Facebook (oh, Facebook...) about a mother going with her husband and some friends for a long weekend in Mexico, sans 5 month old baby and I can't help but feel jealous.  At first thought, a long weekend out of town with my husband sounds like a great thing.....but in my heart, that won't be able to happen for at least a couple years (pending more children, of course!).  Pathetic?  Maybe to some of you.  But to me it just seems right.

In hindsight, I'm wondering if the choices I've made throughout Jack's life have made me this attached to him or if I would have always been this attached to my son.  After some thought, I can honestly say it's more of the latter.  From birth, every choice we've made promoted bonding, even if it was by default.  After he was born at home, Matt and I were the sole caretakers after everyone left a couple hours later.  There were no nurses to bathe him, change his diaper, swaddle him, take him to a nursery so we could get some sleep.  We were it.  The first several months of Jack's life he slept in between us, and was only in his own room for a month or so before I could no longer ignore the feeling that it just didn't seem right having him away from us.  Now he's right back where he started.  If Jack went somewhere with us he was always wrapped on my body.  I'm still nursing and am 75% of his nutrition, how can you not bond while nursing that much?  Add to all that me staying at home and you have one mama that loves to be with her baby! 

All these choices have been the foundation of our bond, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  The thing is, I see and know other moms who do feel the exact same way I do and may or may not have done some of the same things I did.  They are not inclusive of one another, obviously.  But I can't help but wonder if I would have been the same mother I am today if I had made different choices.

For now and for the sake of our future children, I'm not going to risk it.  :)