
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feeling inadequate?

If you've checked out my Facebook page lately, you may have found some parenting/facebook drama going on. 

Here's the scoop: 

One of my "friends" posted a status that, in part, stated "My kids call me Mom. Not "natural, organic, granola, cloth diapering, breast feeding, non-immunizing, baby wearing, co-sleeping, home birthing Mom." They just say Mom.". Now if you know me, you know that I did not take to reading that kindly, being that I felt like this was directed towards me and/or one of my good friends.  I do not take any major parenting decision lightly and didn't appreciate what I interpreted as mocking and being disrespectful of my choices.  

After lots of comments by moms who supported her status (of course all disposable diapering, formula feeding, immunizing, take my baby in a car seat everywhere, sleeping in a crib and hospital birthing ones) she ended with a comment stating that "Several of my friends have stated they feel inadequate when they are bombarded by all these decisions and choices regarding their children."

Seriously?!?!?!  I'm sorry that you can't just put blinders on and follow the path of standard parenting and have been exposed to a different way of doing things via a sharing of articles/opinions on Facebook.  If MY decisions regarding MY child and MY family make you feel inadequate, then maybe you should reevaluate why you make your decisions. Because I'll never let anyone make me feel inadequate....especially when it comes to caring for my family.  

I hate that the posts turned into an US ("natural" moms) vs THEM ("less natural?" moms) because I don't ever look at it like that.  I have many friends that have made different choices than I have and I DON'T CARE!!  They are doing what is best for them and that deserves respect. 

Besides, in 10 years I'd rather my child look back fondly on the times spent sharing a book, singing songs, exploring the outdoors, doing art projects and bath time with his dad.  Those moments make a good parent....putting him in an adorable orange cloth diaper is just the icing on the cake!  

End Rant.  

1 comment:

  1. Geez that sucks you had to deal with that. All of my friends have made different parenting choices for different reasons, but luckily everyone has been supportive of each other. However I am a little curious/nervous to see how my friends and coworkers will react if (when) I continue to breastfeed (and pump every day at work) after one year, since one year seems to be the acceptable timeframe. Oh well! Glad to see you are posting again :)
